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  • 3 Tbsp. gelatin
  • 200ml milk
  • 100gr Sugar
  • 1 Pack vanilla sugar (10g)
  • 300ml Heavy cream 35%
  • 500g Mascarpone cheese
  • 300gr Chopped Dried fruit (Apricots, cranberries, orange peel,
    mango, pineapple, ...)


Mix gelatin with 6 tablespoons of milk and let soak for 5 minutes.
Heat cheese, milk, sugar and vanilla sugar in a saucepan. Remove from heat when vapors appear above the surface.
Add gelatin and stir until completely dissolved.Allow it to cool completely before adding cream.
In a separate mixing bowl, beat the heavy cream into a soft foam and fold it gently into milk.
When the mousse begins to thicken, mix in the chopped dry fruit and pour into the mold.
Leave in the fridge for several hours.

You can also use colorful fruit jelly bits instead of dried fruit in this recipe.


Learn how to make Gelatin Art Desserts

Delicious flowers drawn in clear jelly.

Gelatin Art Jelly flowers Supplies for Gelatin Art